Our Services
Brand Campaigns
Influencer Management
Influencer Recruiting
Social Media Strategy
Influencer Coaching
Web Design & Content
Search Engine Optimization
Brand Campaigns
Perfecting campaign strategy can be difficult to learn, leave it to us! It’s our specialty.
The Social Strategy is your end to end solution when it comes to implementing a social media influencer marketing campaign. We will create a plan to maximize brand exposure by utilizing the most relevant channels and talent. We will connect you with influencers that distinctly mirror your target demographics.
We offer various tiers of influencers including…
Celebrities - Macro influencers that have maximum visibility in the social ecosystem and have the capacity to position your brand or company in front of millions of potential customers or clients creating viral exposure. Content is flighted across all channel platforms.
Macro - This includes anyone with between 100K and a million followers. They often possess an eclectic audience with differentiated topics of interest. Content is usually flighted across diverse channel platforms.
Mid-Tier - Generally focuses on a specific niche, they have an extremely targeted audience. Such influencers will have a following between 40K and 100K followers. Content is generally flighted on 1-2 channel platforms.
Micro - Established themselves as credible sources for information as they focus on a certain niche and will ultimately have a homogenous and engaged audience. These individuals are often regarded as industry experts and will ultimately have greater conversion. Typically between 10K-40K followers.
Nano - Those with under 10K followers, these influencers enable ultra-targeted, loyal and engaged audience segments. These content creators will produce great quality and cost effective content.
Ambassador - Create an ongoing relationship between the brand and its audiences. They will typically work for commission and thus are ideally suited for sales, acquisition, or user generated content (UGC).
We can custom tailor your campaign to ensure the level of reach and engagement that is appropriate for the campaign. Furthermore, we will work to deliver analytics on campaign performance throughout the process to ensure campaign success goals are being met.
Influencer Management
Tired of getting paid less than you deserve? The Social Strategy team has got your back!
We help our influencers develop their business, while they focus on creating amazing content. We are experts at negotiating the best contracts, searching for new brand opportunities and supporting our content creators. We understand the value of influencer content and know how to demonstrate it to the top brands. We will never ask you to work with a brand you don’t seek a connection with or that you don’t believe in. No more chasing the brand to get paid, no more working for less and no more stolen content. The Social Strategy has developed strong relationships with amazing brands by establishing deep, long term partnerships. We have a large network so we can get you your dream campaigns and take your career to the next level.
Influencer Recruiting
Finding an influencer who fits your needs can be tricky in this market, we take the guess work out.
If you have a campaign planned or an idea for your business ready to go, but you need influencers to carry out the campaign The Social Strategy can match you with an influencer whose content, personality and audience fits your ideal demographic. This service is also great to match you with an influencer before you come up with an idea who meets your needs and then you can base your campaign around their community. This ensures you guys are a good fit and that you’re in control of the campaign from planning to execution, all with the influencer around to bounce ideas off of. The Social Strategy will coordinate the first meeting for you to connect with the influencer and be there from start to finish to make sure everything is running smoothly.
Social Media Assessment & Strategy
Have a following and don’t know exactly what to do with it? We can help!
Despite how it may look, having a large following and making great content doesn’t always mean that an influencer is making money online. Showing up, interacting with your audience and consistently posting will help ensure that you’re growing your community. All of these are important to having long-term success online. There are more steps to take to make sure you’re supplementing your income or even to go full-time supporting yourself as an influencer! The Social Strategy will teach you how to use affiliate links to your advantage, connect with brands you already love and turn interactions online into sales, event groups, or new business leads!
Influencer Coaching
Are you showing up as your most authentic self online and pushing yourself to be your best?
If you’re feeling stuck online or in a content rut, you may need a push in the right direction. We know how tough it can be at times to stay inspired. We will go over the goals you have for your account, see what you’re already excelling at, and get to the bottom of what’s holding you back. Once we have a clear view of what’s going on, we can make a plan to move forward! We want to make sure you’re staying connected with your audience, cultivating a community and getting those brand deals! All while loving what you’re doing and the content you’re making.
Web Design & Content
Having a beautiful, user friendly site is so important in this digital age, we help you show up online looking your best.
Your website’s design can make or break a deal, sale or booking. A clean, updated, modern eye-catching website will set you apart from the crowd. No matter what industry you’re in, having an amazing online presence is necessary in today’s world. Whether you’re a company needing a new site that better represents who you are or an influencer who needs a first-time personal site to promote your social media and brand, The Social Strategy can help you. We focus on making sites that are user friendly, full of great content and aesthetically pleasing.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services help users find your website when they search on Google or Bing.
97% of customers search online before making a purchase. SEO is a digital marketing strategy that helps your website rank in search results for relevant keywords, bringing qualified traffic to your website. We focus on driving revenue for our clients and provide all of the services your business needs to grow with SEO. Whether you are a Local Business, E-commerce, or Enterprise, it’s never too soon or too late to bring SEO expertise into your online presence.